Call for Presentation
The Technical Program Committee for iPOP 2008 is soliciting presentation proposals for this conference. Protocol design, experiment, theory, implementation, and operational experiences are solicited. The topics of the conference will include but not limited to the following:
* L1VPN, Bandwidth on Demand, and Photonic Grid
* Multi-layer network (MLN) / Multi-region network (MRN)
* Path Configuration Element (PCE), Traffic engineering
* Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSON), Routing wavelength assignment, Impairment management
* GMPLS-controlled Ethernet Label Switching (GELS) and related Ethernet transport technologies |
* GMPLS Network management, OA&M
* GMPLS/ASON technologies
* Inter-area/Inter-AS network
* Protection & restoration
* Application with high-bandwidth demand
* Testbed, field trial
If you wish to submit a topic for consideration, please send an Extended Abstracts of a 400 words and a maximum of 1 page, including figures and diagrams, speaker's name, affiliation, and contact information are requested by 15 February 2008 to the Technical Program Committee at ipop2008-CFP@pilab.jp.
プレゼンテーション申込締切: 2008年2月25日(延長しました)
採録結果通知: 2008年3月28日
最終原稿提出期限 : 2008年4月18日 |
Technical Program Committee
- Kireeti Kompella(Juniper Networks, USA)
- 塩本 公平(NTT)
Vice Chairs:
- 馬場 義昌(三菱電機)
- 原井 洋明 (NICT (独立行政法人 情報通信研究機構))
- Zafar Ali (Cisco Systems, USA)
Snigdho Bardalai (Fujitsu, USA)
Lou Berger (LabN Consulting, LLC, USA)
Greg Bernstein (Grotto Networking, USA)
Diego Caviglia (Ericsson, Italy)
Adrian Farrel (Old Dog Consulting, UK)
Don Fedyk (Nortel Networks, USA)
今宿 亙 (NTT)
加納 慎也(富士通研究所)
Daniel King (Aria Networks, UK)
Young Lee (Huawei, USA)
Dan Li (Huawei, China)
西岡 到 (NEC)
- 野中 尚道 (日立コミュニケーションテクノロジー)
大垣 健一(KDDI研究所)
岡本 聡(慶応義塾大学)
大木 英司 (NTT)
Lyndon Ong (Ciena, USA)
斧原 聖史 (三菱電機)
大谷 朋広 (KDDI研究所)
Hamid Ould-Brahim (Nortel Networks, Canada)
Dimitri Papadimitriou (Alcatel, Belgium)
Rajiv Papneja (ISOCORE, USA)
Jonathan Sadler (Tellabs, USA)
妹尾 尚一郎 (三菱電機)
Vishal Sharma (Metanoia, USA)
杉山 秀次 (Juniper Networks)
武田 知典(NTT)
Huub van Helvoort (Huawei, The Netherlands)
JP Vasseur (Cisco, USA)
Martin VIGOUREUX (Alcatel-Lucent, FRANCE)