Call for Presentation
The Technical Program Committee for iPOP 2008 is soliciting presentation proposals for this conference. Protocol design, experiment, theory, implementation, and operational experiences are solicited. The topics of the conference will include but not limited to the following:
* GMPLS/ASON technologies
* GMPLS Network management, OA&M
* Multi-layer network (MLN) / Multi-region network (MRN)
* Path Configuration Element (PCE), Traffic engineering
* Inter-area/Inter-AS network
* L1VPN, Bandwidth on Demand, and Photonic Grid
* Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSON), Routing wavelength assignment, Impairment management
* GMPLS-controlled Ethernet Label Switching (GELS) and related Ethernet transport technologies
* Application with high-bandwidth demand
* Testbed, field trial
If you wish to submit a topic for consideration, please send an Extended Abstracts of a 400 words and a maximum of 1 page, including figures and diagrams, speaker's name, affiliation, and contact information are requested by 15 February 2008 to the Technical Program Committee at ipop2008-CFP@pilab.jp.
Important Dates:
Submission deadline of one page summary: February 25, 2008 (Extended)
Notification of acceptance: March 28, 2008
Submission deadline of final presentation slides: April 18, 2008 |
Information for presentator of Technical Session
Please use presentation form for your presentation.
nformation for presentator of Poster Session
Technical Program Committee
- Kireeti Kompella, Juniper Networks, USA
- Kohei Shiomoto, NTT, Japan
Vice Chairs:
- Yoshimasa Baba, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan
- Hiroaki Harai, NICT, Japan
- Zafar Ali, Cisco Systems, USA
Snigdho Bardalai, Fujitsu, USA
Lou Berger, LabN Consulting, LLC, USA
Greg Bernstein, Grotto Networking, USA
Diego Caviglia, Ericsson, Italy
Adrian Farrel, Old Dog Consulting, UK
Don Fedyk, Nortel Networks, USA
Wataru Imajuku, NTT, Japan
Shinya Kanoh, Fujitsu Labs., Japan
Daniel King, Aria Networks, UK
Young Lee, Huawei, USA
Dan Li, Huawei, China
Itaru Nishioka, NEC, Japan
- Naomichi Nonaka, Hitachi Communicatiion Technologies, Japan
Kenichi Ogaki, KDDI Labs, Japan
Satoru Okamoto, Keio Univ., Japan
Eiji Oki, NTT, Japan
Lyndon Ong, Ciena, USA
Kiyoshi Onohara, Mitsubishi Electric, Japan
Tomohiro Otani, KDDI Labs, Japan
Hamid Ould-Brahim, Nortel Networks, Canada
Dimitri Papadimitriou, Alcatel, Belgium
Rajiv Papneja, ISOCORE, USA
Jonathan Sadler, Tellabs, USA
Shoichiro Seno, Mitsubishi Electric, Japan
Vishal Sharma, Metanoia, USA
Hidetsugu Sugiyama, Juniper Networks, Japan
Tomonori Takeda, NTT, Japan
Huub van Helvoort, Huawei, The Netherlands
JP Vasseur, Cisco
Martin VIGOUREUX, Alcatel-Lucent, FRANCE