Tomonori Aoyama,
Keio University, Japan |

Bijan Jabbari,
Welcome Remarks from Conference Co-chairs
The confluence of Optics and Internet technology is giving way to an infrastructure which will serve well the emerging high speed communication services. The important attributes of the integration of these technologies include flexibility, ease of provisioning and efficiency. The so called IP-Optical Integration using Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) has successfully been deployed in the experimental high performance computing networks and it appears that service providers are keen to bring the technology into commercial network services. IP-Optical Integration promises to bring cost effectiveness and, therefore carriers are thinking of migration strategies to make the transition.
Last year in Tokyo we witnessed the successful launch of iPOP 2005. Now, iPOP 2006, to be held again in Japan, will establish itself as worldfs premier conference on IP + Optical network technologies. The conference, which brings together those working in this important area from the industry and academia, is intended to be a place for sharing the knowledge, findings, and experience in the state-of-the-art gIP and Optical Networking technologies.h This, we believe, will become a cornerstone of the Next Generation Networks.
The conference consists of a key note, special and technical sessions, and exhibition featuring GMPLS network nodes (IP routers, SONET/SDH XCs, Optical/Photonic XCs), GMPLS protocol test equipment, GMPLS network operation support tools, and applications. iPOP2006 will also include technology demonstrations showcasing the GMPLS-enabled networking nodes with the objective of their readiness for operational use.
These novel technologies to be discussed in the technical sessions and those showcased in the exhibits are excellent examples of the progress made towards an advanced IP-Optical integration and involves the industry sector from Japan.
We encourage you to attend this important conference and contribute to its success by participating through lively discussions in the event.
April 2006
Tomonori Aoyama, PhD
Bijan Jabbari, PhD
iPOP2006 Cochairs