MPLS 2011

If you are interested in securing exhibit space at MPLS 2011, contact Isocore
(sponsormpls2011 at or 703.860.1777).

All sponsors are recognized in the conference program. You may choose from three categories of sponsorship for additional benefits of each are as follows:

Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Sponsor

– 10' x 8' exhibit space

  • Logo display throughout conference and printed conference material (posters, program, etc.)
  • Identification in Conference Program
  • Full conference admission for 4 individuals

– 8' x 8' exhibit space

  • Logo display throughout conference and printed conference material (posters, program, etc.)
  • Identification in Conference Program
  • Full conference admission for 3 individuals

– Shared exhibit space

  • Identification in Conference Program
  • Full conference admission for 2 individuals
MPLS Sponsorsexhibiting

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